How We/I Got Here, Part 1


I can use this graphic to talk about many many things. I will. Roberta has not ceased to think, and her thoughts include many sources. The basis of this brainstorming device goes all the way back to college, when I did my English honors thesis on two books, Fitzgerald’s Tender is the Night and Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse. I regarded them as equal works of genius. In studying them I was examining the difference between male and female experiences of time, one not better than the other but distinctly different. I got two female graders in an era when it was offensively incorrect to posit any difference between male and female but genitalia. I was denied honors on account of my ignorant perspective.

We’ve come full circle. I will write more. I believe history suggests I was right then, and I have transitioned because I accept there is no future before us and the time-present mentality of the female is vitally important to my survival and my sense of security and peace of mind right now.

Contemplate the graphic. If you want to plug in dates on the timeline, try 1912 and 2021. There are other ways to do it. But these dates are a start.


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